The Top 5 Direct Marketing Books According To A Proven Direct Response Marketer
The Top 5 Direct Marketing Books According To A Proven Direct Response Marketer
Written by

Alexander Biega
Apr 26, 2023
Lessons From This Video
Direct marketing is the hardest form of marketing. Reading books from the most successful direct marketers of past and present will definitely increase your already low odds of success.
All these books have helped me create successful marketing campaigns except the “Sell Like Crazy” book. But I thought it was worth mentioning given how it is the newest one and the book itself is a sales pitch, lol. A very well-written sales pitch.
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Lessons From This Video
Direct marketing is the hardest form of marketing. Reading books from the most successful direct marketers of past and present will definitely increase your already low odds of success.
All these books have helped me create successful marketing campaigns except the “Sell Like Crazy” book. But I thought it was worth mentioning given how it is the newest one and the book itself is a sales pitch, lol. A very well-written sales pitch.
Readers are leaders!
Lessons From This Video
Direct marketing is the hardest form of marketing. Reading books from the most successful direct marketers of past and present will definitely increase your already low odds of success.
All these books have helped me create successful marketing campaigns except the “Sell Like Crazy” book. But I thought it was worth mentioning given how it is the newest one and the book itself is a sales pitch, lol. A very well-written sales pitch.
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It's the end of the road. Smash that damn button!
If you want to achieve ground-breaking growth with increased sales and profitability with proper marketing strategy, then you're in the right place.
It's the end of the road. Smash that damn button!
If you want to achieve ground-breaking growth with increased sales and profitability with proper marketing strategy, then you're in the right place.
It's the end of the road. Smash that damn button!
If you want to achieve ground-breaking growth with increased sales and profitability with proper marketing strategy, then you're in the right place.